Gemma und Mark – ein Paar, das die Distanz überwunden hat, um ihre Destinationwedding in Spanien zu feiern. Ihre Hochzeit war mehr als nur ein Tag, es war ein Fest über mehrere Tage hinweg, gefüllt mit Essen, Trinken, Musik und unzähligen Fotos. Die Atmosphäre...
10 Reasons for a Destination Wedding at the Beach There are many good reasons for a destination wedding abroad. A destination wedding close to the sea is something very special. The sand under your feet, the sound of the waves when you are walking down the aisle. Who...
What does a destination wedding cost? The question of all questions: what does a wedding cost? It is the most frequently asked question that my bridal couples always ask me. Comprehensible, because it is very exciting to organize your wedding for the first time and...
Hi lovers, writing this post is a great honor for me. I have been a big fan of the two designers of Noni Mode in Cologne and met them a few years ago. This autumn I had the pleasure to organize a wedding dress shooting with them here in our beloved Almería. Meeting...
Our couples are all absolutely lovely, nice and relaxed. And if you have ever visited our Ambrosia profile on Instagram then you saw on the pictures that they are also very pretty. Of some you might even think: what a supermodel. Before the wedding we have several...